EU projects – Technology Scouting – Business Innovation

FP7 project on eco-friendly buildings and districts

AMBASSADORAMIRES is a proud partner of FP7 project AMBASSADOR. The purpose of AMBASSADOR project (Autonomous Management System Developed for Building and District levels) is to study, develop and experiment systems and tools that will aim at optimising the energy usage in the perimeter of a district by managing the energy flows, predicting and mastering energy consumption and energy production. The overall goal is to define and experiment a system that optimises the cost of energy in a district, the cost being expressed in Primary Energy, CO₂ or €. The project will investigate energy efficiency both at a building level and at a district level. A number of mechanisms and technical systems will be studied both at buildings and district level for the creation of such a system. The major part of results should be usable for transfer to development teams at the end of the project. A consortium of 15 partners representing both the industrial (e.g. CISCO, ZIGOR, Leclanché, D’Appolonia) and R&D (e.g. CSEM, CEA-INES or NTUA) sector, has been working to reach ambitious AMBASSADOR goals, under the leadership of Schneider Electric Industries. The results will be validated on three testing sites in France, Greece and UK. More information can be found on the webpage of the project (under AMIRES responsibility)