Commission mobilises research and innovation funding for the green and digital transitions

April 17

The Commission has adopted an amendment to the 2023-24 Work Programme of Horizon Europe, the EU’s research and innovation programme. The amendment mobilises previously unallocated Horizon Europe funding to increase the 2024 budget by nearly €1.4 billion to a total of €7.3 billion. This amendment includes an investment of nearly €650 million in the EU Missions aiming to contribute to solving some of the challenges facing Europe, for example, making more than 100 cities climate neutral, a New European Bauhaus facility, as well as experimental actions opening EU research and innovation opportunities to more newcomers, among other novelties.

Some of the main features of this update of the Horizon Europe Work Programme include:

  • EU Missions
  • New European Bauhaus
  • Experimental actions to attract newcomers
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Pandemic preparedness
  • Paving the way for 2025

Background: Horizon Europe is the EU’s research and innovation programme for 2021-27. Originally working with €95.5 million over seven years, the European Council decided to reduce its budget by €2.1 billion as part of the mid-term revision of the EU’s long-term budget to allow the Union to finance other urgent priorities such as aid to Ukraine. The cut has been reduced by €100 million stemming from the re-use of decommitments, therefore, the reduction in 2025-27 will amount to €2 billion.

The 2023-24 Horizon Europe work programme was adopted on 6 December 2022 and first amended on 31 March 2023. It is based on Horizon Europe’s Strategic Plan 2021-2024, adopted in March 2021, which was co-designed with stakeholders, the European Parliament and the Member States.

Today’s amendment rolls out the investment for the EU Missions, which had been held back from the original work programme 2023-24 to enable the implementation of the Communication “EU Missions two years on: assessment of progress and way forward”, adopted on 19 July 2023.

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