INDHEAP Kick-Off Meeting

January 26

Pioneering Solar Solutions for Industrial Processes

The kick-off meeting for the INDHEAP project marked a pivotal moment in the journey towards revolutionizing industrial energy consumption through innovative solar technologies. Funded by the European Union – 101136140 – and coordinated by CEA, INDHEAP is set to demonstrate groundbreaking approaches at Technology Readiness Level 7 (TRL7) that integrate solar thermal (ST) and photovoltaic (PV) energies to meet the heat and power requirements of mid-temperature industrial processes, up to 250°C.

Project Overview:
INDHEAP aims to showcase the synergy between solar thermal and photovoltaic technologies by developing and integrating a flexible thermal Energy Storage (e-TES) system, powered by electric heaters, to optimize the utilization of thermal and electrical solar renewable energy. This project will encompass the development of methodologies, tools, and specific components tailored to enhance energy efficiency, reduce peak demands, and maximize the use of solar heat and power in industrial settings.

Key Objectives:

  1. Energy Efficiency Optimization: Analyzing demand elasticity and harnessing waste heat to reduce heat and power peak demands.
  2. Technical-Eco-Environmental Criteria: Determining the optimal balance between ST and PV based on various criteria.
  3. System Architecture: Designing the hybrid ST-PV system’s architecture and components for optimal integration and control.
  4. Prototype Installation: Deploying a prototype on an industrial lubricants blending process owned by Total Energies in Spain for validation at TRL7 through a comprehensive one-year test campaign.

Meeting Highlights:
The kick-off meeting, held on Chambery (France) – 17th and 18th of January -, brought together consortium partners from leading research institutions and industry experts to delve into the project’s plan and expected impacts. Hosted at CEA facilities, participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas, explore collaboration opportunities, and gain valuable insights from esteemed external advisory board members and the project officer, Clara Astudillo Llorente.

Stay tuned on INDHEAP official LinkedIn page & website!

Also, on AMIRES LinkedIn & website!