One step forward in Gender Equality: AMIRES Gender Equality Plan Report 2023

March 22

Gender Equality in Europe is progressing, although further efforts are still needed. To achieve gender equality internally and promote it also externally AMIRES published in 2022 its Gender Equality Plan (GEP) with defined actions and targets.

Overall, AMIRES is reaching its defined targets of this GEP, as described on the 2023 Report. For example, the European funded projects in implementation phase in which AMIRES participates (as project manager and/or communication and dissemination manager) the percentage of women in leading positions increased in the period from 2022 to 2023, such as coordinators, and advisory board members, however in some cases our projects are still not reaching the defined target.

In addition, the project proposals, which AMIRES supports to prepare, had more female coordinators than in the previous period, meanwhile the other leading positions in the project were kept at similar numbers. A development to be highlighted is the improvement on the awareness of the use of inclusive language and gender-neutral visuals in materials within AMIRES team, as well as the continued absence of negative comments from evaluators on gender aspects in project proposals.

Although these are positive results, AMIRES still finds room for improvement when it comes to avoiding zero representation of women in leading positions in ongoing projects This also applies in keeping a good proportion of speakers and panellists in events organized by AMIRES. Further actions will be implemented to achieve the targets set out in AMIRES GEP and continue the improvement on Gender Equality.

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