The MatEl project has successfully reached its first year of implementation!

February 13

On 13 February 2024, the MatEl consortium got together in San Sebastián, Spain.

The M12 meeting provided a platform for all consortium members to present their progress, share insights, and discuss challenges faced during the first year. Detailed reports highlighted the advancements in various work packages, including the development of the Si3N4 TriPleX platform designs, the optimization of graphene growth and laser transfer techniques, the integration of 2D materials, and the innovative packaging and assembly strategies being devised.

During the meeting, key achievements were celebrated, such as the successful design and architecture of the Si3N4 TriPleX platform by Lionix, and the optimization of LIFT parameters for graphene transfer by NTUA. Graphenea’s progress in achieving high-mobility graphene growth using CVD techniques was also a focal point of the discussions. Additionally, the consortium reviewed the integration of PZT and AlScN based demultiplexers, by Piemacs, and the promising developments in flexible, modular manufacturing technologies that will support the assembly of advanced photonic devices.

Looking ahead, the consortium members outlined their objectives for the second year of the project. These include further refinement of the integration processes, scaling up production capabilities, and ensuring the technology’s readiness for industrial applications.

A special thanks to Graphenea for hosting this meeting.

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