EU projects – Technology Scouting – Business Innovation

The Virus Knows No Borders

The impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the most fragile countries, migrants and the most vulnerable people is likely to be dramatic. “The virus knows no borders. This global challenge needs strong international cooperation.“ said The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

This means all EU institutions and Member States have to work together as a real Team Europe to provide the effective contribution to the global response. Team Europe approach, aimed at saving lives by providing quick and targeted support to EU partners facing pandemic. It combines resources from the EU, its Member States and financial institutions, in particular the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. From existing external action resources, the EU is mobilising more than €15.6 billion, to:

1. tackle immediate needs, both humanitarian and in the health care sector-  €502 million.
2. strengthen the health, water and sanitation systems of partner countries, and support research- €2.8 billion 
3. address the economic and social consequences- €12.28 billion

The distribution logic follows the needs of our partner countries but will also take into account the added value, efficiency and complementarity of EU resources, with what other European and non-European stakeholders are doing. The EU’s contribution to the emergency humanitarian response will be allocated on the basis of needs on the ground and will prioritize the most vulnerable groups. The distribution of EU resources should not be isolated from what EU Member States will contribute to address the short to medium and long-term impact of the crisis in our partner countries and regions.

The EU will promote a coordinated multilateral response, in partnership with the United Nations, International Financial Institutions, as well as the G7 and the G20.

Download the factsheet on concrete examples of EU support in partner countries

